為了提升獸醫重症科的醫療水準和增進心肺功能停止狗貓的預後,獸醫心肺復甦術重新審核活動(Reassessment Campaign on Veterinary Resuscitation [RECOVER])的目標為提供及傳播一個最新,以實證為基礎,經過共識而得出的獸醫心肺復甦準則。
對於RECOVER全球的廣傳, 此中文翻譯版代表一個重要的里程碑。我們感謝中華民國獸醫內科醫學會由洪榮偉獸醫師DVM,MS 和何心瑜獸醫師 DVM,MS的翻譯以及劉大瑩獸醫師DVM,DACVECC獨立以英文版本逐字確認 。無可置疑的,此舉將幫助許多國家說中文的獸醫得以使用RECOVER準則。我們相信此中文翻譯板打開了和我們全世界說中文的同行之合作道路,是幫助RECOVER成為真正一個國際活動的重要一環。
The goals of the Reassessment Campaign on Veterinary Resuscitation (RECOVER) initiative are to provide up-to-date, evidence-based, consensus CPR guidelines for veterinary medicine and to widely disseminate those guidelines in an effort to raise the standard of care in veterinary critical care medicine and to improve outcomes for dogs and cats in cardiopulmonary arrest. This Spanish translation represents the first of what we hope will be many translations that will extend the reach of RECOVER across the globe. We are grateful to the Latin American Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society (LAVECCS) for providing the Spanish translation and to Dr. Veronica Salazar for independently validating this translation against the English manuscript. There is no doubt that the result will facilitate access to the RECOVER guidelines for Spanish speaking veterinary professionals. We also believe that this translation is one more important step towards making RECOVER a truly international initiative, and that it opens a path to collaboration with our Spanish speaking colleagues around the world.