About the Award

Is there a leader in your practice who has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to their team while consistently upholding the practice’s core values and helping them to achieve their mission? If so, nominate that individual for this prestigious award! All veterinary leaders within clinical practice are eligible to be selected as the recipient so long as they devote no less than half of their time to administrative duties.

The recipient of this award will be recognized at the Practice Leadership Luncheon at IVECCS. They will receive a trophy and $500. Most importantly, they receive the much-deserved honor and recognition of being celebrated for all that they do to support their team and the broader profession.


This award is given to someone in a leadership position, within an ECC practice, nominated by their peers. Nominations are solicited by VECCS beginning in early April through the middle of May. Nominees are reviewed independently by each member of the VECCS Practice Leadership Committee. Finalists are selected and solicited for additional statements in June. The finalists are delivered the results of the committee decision by early July. The results include the selection and recognition of the award recipient and the top one-two finalists. The award recipient will be announced in September at IVECCS during the Practice Leadership Luncheon.

Click “Start entry”, under program select “VECCS”, then under category select “Awards/Nominations”, then “Practice Leader of the Year Award”.

Past Winners

Kevin Squires


Suzanne DeCook

Bo Compton

Kate Parker

Marta Jackson

Jessica Towley

Brandee Crowder