The Practice Leadership Committee will be responsible for promoting the field of leadership as it relates to Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Practice (either in a standalone setting or within a Specialty
Referral Hospital).
The Committee will also define the criteria for application for the Practice Leader of the Year award and review such applications in time for the annual award to be made at IVECCS.Â
The Practice Leadership Committee seeks to establish VECCS as a top provider of leadership resources, relationships, and recognition within veterinary emergency and specialty practice.
1.  We embrace the committee’s mission by seeking to increase the membership of leaders within VECCS by enhancing resources for individuals in a variety of leadership positions within emergency and specialty practices.
2. We embrace the committee’s mission by seeking to improve colleague connections for emergency and specialty practice leaders.
3. We embrace the committee’s mission by highlighting the contributions that leaders make to veterinary emergency and specialty medicine.
4. We embrace the committee’s mission by supporting and inspiring new leaders through education, networking, and mentorship.
5. We embrace the committee’s mission by seeking to maintain a diverse and inclusive group of leaders within the VECCS organization that includes representation of historically marginalized identities and people within our field.Â
The Committee consists of a minimum of four (4) members with relevant leadership experience in emergency and critical care practice leadership which are approved by the Board of Directors. All committee members must hold current VECCS membership.
The designated seats are as follows:
1. Chairperson (responsible for scheduling meetings and creating agendas)
2. Secretary (responsible for recording minutes)
3. Practice Leader of the Year (2 individuals)
4. Committee Members, At-Large (2-4 individuals)
5. VECCS Administrative Representative
6. VECCS Board of Directors’ Liaison
The Chairperson of the Committee is nominated by the incumbent Chairperson for approval by the VECCS Board President.
The Secretary of the Committee is nominated by the Committee Members. Selection is performed by the Committee with a simple majority vote.
Practice Leader of the Year:
The winner of the Practice Leadership of the Year Award is invited to the Practice Leadership Committee for a term of two (2) years from the date of the award. Each committee will reflect two winners in any given year unless the winner declines to participate on the committee. One winner will represent the current term. The second winner will represent the previous term.
Committee Members, At-Large:
Calls for nominations and self-nominations will be made annually in advance of the General Meeting. Interested members should submit a current curriculum vitae and letter of intent through the VECCS submission portal. These will be reviewed by the chair of the committee and one member of the committee whose term of service is due to end. Formal recommendations will then be made to the Board of Directors for approval.
An incumbent committee member may put themselves forward for re-appointment. In that case, they shall not be involved in reviewing nominations.
VECCS Administrative Representative:
The VECCS Administrative Representative is appointed by the VECCS Chief Executive Officer to help facilitate meetings, provide support to the Chair and Secretary, and provide input with knowledge of the operations of the Society.
VECCS Board of Directors’ Liaison:
The VECCS Board of Directors’ Liaison is appointed by the VECCS Board President.
Committee Members are appointed for two-year terms, annually, following the VECCS General Meeting in September of each year. Committee members should be appointed each year so there is institutional memory, avoiding wholesale committee changes every two (2) years.
Committees are a great way for new, and longtime members alike, to get involved with VECCS and give impactful input as we continue pursuing our mission!
Bo Compton
Committee Chair
Kate Parker
Robin Brogdon
Susie DeCook
Jamie Rauscher
Lisa Smith
Dr. Megan Seekins
Practice Leader of the Year
Joe DeFulio
Alyce D’Amato
Board Liaison
Braley San Miguel
Sarah Kokernot
Alexa Treviño